A 32 year old female presented to the clinic with work-related stress and low mood. The client felt unhappy for no reason and cried on numerous occasions (around 2-3 times per week), including every Thursday and at a regular monthly meeting. During the consultation she appeared close to tears and stated “I could cry now”, she also displayed anxious behaviour. The client mentioned she was “very deeply tired” and feeling “wiped out”, putting her energy levels at ‘poor’ (3/10). Her medical history included burn-out and depression. She had suffered depression from a previous job, from which she took six months off work and three years to fully recover. The treatment plan included dietary advice on protein and micronutrients such as B vitamins and stress reduction techniques as well as a supplement and a herbal formula prescription, with the focus being on building strength and resources not only through nutrition, but also through self-awareness. The client followed all the advice, minus taking the herbal formula and returned to the clinic three weeks later cheerful, smiling and happy. The client found that the most useful advice had been the lifestyle changes though the dietary changes also helped to provide her body with the beneficial nutrients she needed. The client found that her mood and increase, her job was no longer causing her stress and she didn’t feel like quitting all the time, she was more relaxed and not having as many crying days. This client was also looking to start a family when she first meet with me, but we were focusing first on getting her happy and health. Subsequently, I found out after leaving that clinic that she has had a healthy girl and is still very happy.